Human Factor

81: Freaky Clown with FC

FC has gone through extreme adversity and has come out stronger on the other side.  He grew up in a very negative environment, which unfortunately led to the development of complex PTSD. But from that emerged a unique talent, one that is both a gift and a curse: hypervigilance. He refused to allow his past…

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79: Sociotechnical Exploitation with Bruce Schneier

The Sociotechnical Theory is an organizational theory that emphasizes the importance of both social and technical factors in designing and managing systems. Sociotechnical systems are deeply embedded within society and prone to “hacking”, a term meaning to subvert a systematic rules in unintended way.  In his most recent book, “A Hacker’s Mind”, Bruce Schneier takes…

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78: Eras Of Dialect with John Miller

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT has been designed to understand and generate human-like text based on a massive amount of data. From writing creative stories and poetry to answering complex questions and providing personalized recommendations, ChatGPT seems to be running on all cylinders, and still accelerating. The possibility of ChatGPT extends…

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77: Harkness with Jason Brooks and Keenan Hale Jr.

The Harkness method is a discussion-based learning style that emphasizes student centric discussion and active participation in a classroom setting. The goal is to create an environment where students can share their thoughts and perspectives, engage in meaningful conversations, and learn from each other. Jason Brooks, a native of South Central Los Angeles, taught Mandarin,…

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76: Adrenaline Rush with Jim Lawler

Jim “Mad Dog” Lawler is a national security consultant, serving as the Senior Partner at MDO Group, which provides HUMINT training to the Intelligence Community and the commercial sector focused on WMD, CI, technical and cyber issues. He served for 25 years as a CIA case officer and is a noted speaker on Insider Threat…

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73: The Huntsman with Crane Hassold

Crane Hassold is a threat researcher at Abnormal Security who specializes in discovering and analyzing malicious email campaigns targeting enterprises. He also works closely with law enforcement agencies to help bring these bad actors out into the open. Before joining Abnormal Security, Hassold was a senior investigator at the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), where…

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