Make your next event truly unique with a BarCode LIVE production! We bring the energy, and captivate any audience with our dynamic live performances. Whether it’s a public or private event, live stream, or a more intimate setting, you can trust us to deliver the high-octane content your event demands!

  • Attracts 500+ cybersecurity leaders and practitioners
  • Streamed to thousands globally
  • Real-time audience engagement and brand exposure
  • Featured at leading industry conferences


A valuable and engaging way for cybersecurity professionals to stay up-to date on the latest trends and best practices, connect with subject matter experts and other professionals in the field, and engage in real-time discussions and networking opportunities, all while being entertained by a host that is rooted within the cybersecurity realm.

Benefits include real-time engagement, education, entertainment, access to experts, networking opportunities, lead generation, and on-demand availability to a mass audience. Typically held at a bar venue, and optionally streamed live across multiple platforms amassing thousands of live, interactive viewers. BarCode has performed live from coast to coast, including conferences such as Black Hat, DefCon, Secureworld, DataConnectors, FutureCon, and many privately held events.



ImageDateTitleTypeVenueLocationGuestSponsorEvent Link
9/26/2024Rendezvous YachtLive PodcastRendezvous YachtPhiladelphia, PACity of Philadelphia CISORegister
8/29/2024Data Connectors Cybersecurity ConferencePresentationCrowne Plaza PhiladelphiaKing of Prussia, PAN/AN/A
11/13/2024Step Up to the TeeSporting EventCitizens Bank ParkPhiladelphia, PAN/AIBMRegister
10/22/2024AI for Everyone Part IIHappy Hour, Live Podcast, Film PremeireIBX Innovation CenterPhiladelphia, PAN/APhilly Tech CouncilRegister
12/6/2024BSidesPhillyLive PodcastLive! Casino & Hotel PhiladelphiaPhiladelphiaCyber Circus NetworkBSidesPhillyRegister
6/26/2024Wine TastingHappy HourBishop Estates VineyardPerkasie, PAN/AIBM
6/5/2024AI For EveryonePresentationNetrality CenterPhiladelphia, PAN/APhilly Tech Council
12/12/2024Lone Star Cyber CircusLive PodcastHop & Sting BreweryGrapevine, TXCyber Circus NetworkN/ARegister
8/7/2024BarCode @ Barcode 2Live Podcast, Happy Hour, Film Premeire, OtherBarCodeLas Vegas, NVHutch, Len Noe, Matt Canham, Chris Wright, Izzy Traub, George GerchowThreatLocker, Exploit Security
7/12/2024Boardwalk BytesLive PodcastBoardwalk Bytes ConferenceAtlantic City, NJCyber Circus NetworkN/ARegister
5/6/2024RSASan Francisco, CACyber Circus NetworkN/A
4/28/2024MES Conference - SpringOrlando, FLCyber DistortionThe Channel Company
4/25/2024Chestnut Hill CollegePhiladelphia, PAWiCysWiCys
4/17/2024City WorksKing of Prussia, PAN/AIBM/ First Pro Inc
4/17/2024SecureWorld PhiladelphiaValley Forge Casino Resort Event CenterPhilly CISOsN/A
2/22/2024Ashton Cigar BarPhiladelphia, PAN/AIBM
12/13/2023City WineryPhiladelphia, PAJohn DwyerIBM
10/26/2023Rendezvous YachtPhiladelphia, PAPhilly CISOsRed Canary | Varonis | WithSecure | SONI
12/7/2023Hop and StingGrapevine, TXCyber Distortion x Phillip WylieCyberstrike
9/20/2023The BatcaveSecret LocationMike PetrieSPONSOR US
images (1)11/11/2023N/ABaltimore. MDHeidi SassN/A
8/10/23Virgil's Real BBQLas Vegas, NVWinn SchwartauN/A
8/9/2023BAR CODELas Vegas, NVFreaky ClownCyber Job Central
7/13/2023Crowne PlazaKing of Prussia, PAN/AData Connectors
5/11/2023BarCode LIVE at Max's TaphouseLive Podcast, Happy HourMax's TaproomBaltimore, MDJohn LinkousPhalanx
4/19/2023Valley Forge CasinoValley Forge, PAPhiladelphia CISOsSecureWorld
10/27/2023Misconduct Happy HourHappy HourMisconduct TavernPhiladelphia, PAN/ASumo Logic
4/28/2022Happy HourHappy HourSly FoxMalvern, PAN/ASumo Logic
8/1/2022Mandalay BayLas Vegas, NVMatthew CanhamN/A
5/12/2022BarCode LIVE with Snehal AntoniLive PodcastWorkhorse BrewingKing of Prussia, PASnehal AntaliHorizon 3
3/24/2022SecureWorld After PartyHappy HourYard HouseKing of Prussia, PAN/AN/A
1/20/2022BarCode LIVE with Mark EgglestonLive Podcast, Happy HourBellefonte BrewingWilmington, DEMark EgglestonImmersive Labs

2025 Podcast Sponsorship Kit
BarCode LIVE at BSIDES Harrisburg 4/25/25
New Podcast Episode #113: Reality Defaced
INHUMAN Documentary
BarCode appearing at HackSpaceCon May 11-15 2025
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